about me and my works

Champéry | Swiss Alps

Domburg | Zeeland Dutch Coast

Crete | South Coast
I create images by painting and drawing. Images which I find a pleasure to look at, and wish to inspire more viewers with. I’m focused on composition thru shapes, tonal values and colours.
I draw inspiration from my everyday environment. I observe and turn this into something interesting on my canvas. Or I simply start with no plan at all, just some paint, a brush, and an empty canvas.
I haven’t yet concluded on my own style and I wonder if I ever will. I like to try out new styles, although some of my works converge. My inspiration starts from the impressionists, and continues all the way to many contemporary artists.
I grew up in the Netherlands where I painted, photographed and studied technology. After 30 years working and living around the world, my wife and I now call the Swiss Alps and the island of Crete home. Much of my inspiration starts from these wonderful places. And traveling continues to inspire me, especially and always with some drawing and painting materials.
I’m fascinated how people respond when they interact with works of art. I’ve been capturing this with my photography and you can find a selection here.
I love to create images with traditional painting materials as well as with the latest technologies. And present these in an online connected world to share, interact and learn from any form of image creation.
I’m always interested in ventures that explore image creation in this context, just reach out via email danny@touw.com, any of the connections below or via my contacts page.